About Us
- Formulating of mining development policies;
- Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of mining development policies;
- Designing mechanisms geared at effective accounting for the country’s mineral resources;
- Administering and reviewing mining laws;
- Attracting investment in the mining industry;
- Promoting beneficiation of mineral resources;
- Exploring, developing and beneficiating coal bed methane;
- Promoting and developing small-scale mining;
- Facilitating the indigenization of the mining sector;
- Supervising and coordinating mining parastatals and State Enterprises.
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- Provision of quality service;
- Gender mainstreaming all Ministry activities;
- Uphold ethical conduct;
- Provide accurate information timely.
- Access to appropriate information and services.
- Privacy and confidentiality.
- Access to mineral rights.
- To be heard.
- Feedback on complaints.
- Appeal for review on Ministry decisions.
- Recognise and cater for special interests groups.
- Access to mining rights.
- Compliance to the Mines and Minerals Act and related statutes.
- Providing accurate and timely information.
- Treating Ministry staff with courtesy.
- Upholding ethical behavior.